Training & Consultancy

We can help individuals and professionals with training and consultation

For Professionals working in Family Law

Can we let you into a secret? Family law is not always about the law at all. It’s very badly named. Family breakdown is about just that – a family.  We have developed training courses which stem from, and build on, our experiences of working with families.  We always try and look at what drives behaviour, because this has such a huge effect on how people manage their separation.

We believe that, where safe and suitable, a non-court approach offers the best solution for families.  We help new mediators who are working towards accreditation (WTA’s) by offering observation and co-mediations free of charge.  To find out more about how we can help, please contact us.

Professional Practice Consultancy (PPC)

Claire and Rebecca are also accredited PPC’s offering support to mediators. We help with portfolio building, and we are able to supervise CIM and Legal Aid mediators, either as a primary or secondary PPC.  If you are a mediator who needs a PPC, please contact us to book a chat.

We’re also running the FMC Pilot Accreditation Scheme, where WTA’s work alongside us to develop their practice, before submitting a portfolio.

Our Courses

All our courses are online, and run with 6+ delegates  – please contact us for dates.  We are able to run them in person for 6 or more delegates, please call us to discuss where, when and cost. 

If you can’t find a course that fits your needs, let us know and we can work together to develop something bespoke for you.

Demystifying Mediation

For anyone interested in training as a mediator, or wanting to understand what their clients experience.

2 hours, online.

£45 plus VAT

Running a Trauma Informed Practice

An introduction to the causes and impact of trauma on clients, and on you as a family law professional.

4 hours, online

£90 plus VAT

Register your interest

Understanding the accreditation process

With the Pilot scheme running alongside the ‘old’ scheme, it can be difficult to choose which route is best. Our short course will introduce you to the differences between the two, and give you an idea of the likely time and financial investment.

2 hours, online.

£45 plus VAT

Child Law introduction for mediators

A whistle stop tour through statute and case law, enabling mediators to understand the court process. We’ll look at ‘live with’, ‘time with, ‘specific issue’, ‘prohibited steps’ as well as kinship and the involvement of CAFCASS and a Local Authority.

4 hours, online.

£125 plus VAT

Money and Property Law introduction for mediators

We’ll take a look at the difference between the claims couples have after a marriage, versus the claims they have if they’re not married. We’ll take you through the procedural aspects, and talk through relevant case law.

4 hours, online

£125 plus VAT

Managing financial cases through the mediation lens

Coming soon.

Everything you want your support staff to know about mediation

Coming soon.

An introduction to domestic abuse

Including the nature of abuse, identifying abuse, dealing with victims and perpetrators, safeguarding and signposting.

2 hours, online

£45 plus VAT

Neurodiversity – Support clients with neurodivergnce, or who have neurodivergent children, through mediation

Coming soon.

An introduction to mental illness, its impact on mediation and supporting clients with mental illness

Coming soon.

GDPR for mediators

Coming soon.

Introduction to recognised parenting techniques – supporting clients in mediation to parent cooperatively

Coming soon.

Communication and conflict management

Reducing conflict between separated parents in and out of the mediation room.

Coming soon.

Improving outcomes for children

How to mediate separated parents to support effective and consistent parenting in both homes. We’ll look at differences in parenting styles and help you bridge communication gaps.

Coming soon.

Register Interest

If you can’t find a course that fits your needs, let us know and we can work together to develop something bespoke for you.

Please contact us for further details. 

T: 02392 481183

Find out how we can help, call us on 02392 481183 or Email Us

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