Rebecca Hawkins

I founded the firm in 2007 together with Claire Webb, then known as Mediation Now.  I’ve been a family lawyer for more than 25 years and  I am absolutely committed to providing a sympathetic and approachable attitude to resolving problems during what are almost always emotional and stressful times.   I promote a non-court approach wherever possible and strongly believe that this is the best outcome for a family, and that court proceedings should only be a matter of last resort.  As a public speaker, I talk to family law professionals, the public and educators to raise awareness of the options already available and about the ways in which we can improve our understanding of relationships and the family justice system.

I am an accredited Family Mediation Council mediator, offering various ways to mediate to fit a variety of circumstances.

As a collaboratively trained family solicitor I have a caseload of files involving property, finance and Children Act matters. I will always try and work in partnership with my clients, and I only encourage respectful communication with other professionals involved.   

To avoid the cost and delays of court, I can offer neutral evaluations for cases and private opinions. I am an Arbitrator in child related cases and have qualified as a Parenting Coordinator and a Family Law Supervisor.

Claire and I also support other mediators, and we help trainee mediators achieve accredited status by providing them with practice and practical tips for their portfolios.

I sit on Resolution’s Legal Aid Committee, the Litigants in Person Committee, and the Mediation Working Group, and I am a trainer for the Mediation Foundation Course run by them.  I am also a member of the Family Mediation Council Legal Aid Committee. 

Claire and I have successfully bid for government and private funding at various stages, to help us develop and run our child and communications centred courses, and we are currently running a programme in conjunction with three local authorities looking at kinship, to be evaluated in due course.  We run a successful course helping parents understand the impact of separation on their children, and improve their coparenting communication.

As trainers, Claire and I write and facilitate courses together on all aspects of reducing confrontation and improving outcomes in family law.

When I am not at work, I love being in the countryside with my family and dog, I enjoy reading, cooking and a glass of wine by the fire.

“Thank you ever so much you’ve been amazing, words can explain how I’m feeling it’s been a very emotional time lately with so much happening, today has lifted me, very happy with everything.”

~ JD, Portsmouth, Hampshire

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