Online Resources & Websites

Resources for Young People

Please note:  We have checked all these websites BUT adults need to check the websites themselves for suitability before passing details to their children.You might wish also to consider contacting your GP, child’s school or CAMHS for support.


Phone 111Mental Health Triage Team24/7 (365 day) access to Mental Health nurses to ensure a consistent, confident, reliable and sustainable service provided by the MH specialist provider and hosted by NHS 111/999. The Mental Health Triage Service also supports a dedicated Mental Health Rapid Response vehicle which is in partnership with SCAS to provide urgent and emergency mental health care to people who are in their own home or in the community where they have been assessed as needing an emergency response to their mental health and advice for young people on separation and explanation of court process.
National Youth Advocacy Schemewww.nyas.netProviding help, advice and advocacy to children about their rights
Action For Children and support for domestic abuse Health support for children and young people
Think Ninja An App available on Apple and Google Play, empowers children to build resilience
Divorce and advice for children and teens. It discusses emotions and has details of helplines, online advice, useful sites and books. of information on website for children and young people. Free 24-hour helpline – 0800 1111 to talk about any problem. Also check out the divorce and separation section ( .
Kids Healthwww.kidshealth.orgInformation about parents’ divorce or separation for kids ( and teenagers (
R U Thinking About It? relationship advice, facts and advice.
Student information on anxiety, IBS, exam nerves, sleeping problems etc.
Teenage Health Freak provideswww.teenagehealthfreak.orgInformative and interesting health information for teenagers.  Offers information and advice on teenage issues. young people, information on eating disorders and youth helpline.
The children and young people living with domestic violence, or to those who may want to help a friend.
The for under 25’s on a range of issues. on dealing with your parents’ divorce or separation.
Young Minds health support and resilience
Youth2Youth at young people up to the age of 19 and gives confidential help and advice on any concern.

Local: Portsmouth counselling if you live in Portsmouth
Off The Record (Portsmouth) free, confidential support service to young people aged 11-25 offering counselling, information and befriending to young people.
Sorted? Support for 11-20 year olds living in Portsmouth

Local: Southampton

No Limits is a charity which offers free and confidential information, advice, counselling, support and advocacy for children and young people under 26 who live in Southampton and Hampshire.
Wheatsheaf for kids that can provide opportunities and variety that may have been missing at school.
Yellow which offers free, supportive services to children and young people who have experienced domestic or sexual abuse at any point in their lives.

Resources for Separated Parents


Phone 111Mental Health Triage Team24/7 (365 day) access to Mental Health nurses to ensure a consistent, confident, reliable and sustainable service provided by the MH specialist provider and hosted by NHS 111/999. The Mental Health Triage Service also supports a dedicated Mental Health Rapid Response vehicle which is in partnership with SCAS to provide urgent and emergency mental health care to people who are in their own home or in the community where they have been assessed as needing an emergency response to their mental health
National Domestic Abuse Helpline0808 200 0247 assistance and helpline for Domestic Abuse sufferers
Blue Lamp
0300 777 0157
A not for profit organisation in Hampshire and Isle of Wight, dedicated to improving community safety association representing over 5000 family lawyers committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes.  See the Parenting After Parting pages on the website for information and advice for separated parenting and supporting your children through separation and beyond. provides information for families going through divorce and separation, adoption and care proceedings. Helpful explanation of court processes. Also has a hub  that helps separated parents –
Action For Children 
Good Things Foundation  Excellent video and other resources, showing the impact of conflict on children and how to improve it expert advice, practical support and campaigns for single parents.
Family providing information, on-line community and a range of publications for all parents about children as they grow up.
Gov.uk website – information about separation, including money, property, maintenance and child arrangements and counselling website. Helpful advice in “Help with Separation and Divorce” including tips on talking to your younger children/teenagers.
Family Mediation information about mediation. 
The Parent for separating parents. Includes lots of advice on parenting after parting. online service to help separating couples continue to parent in the best way possible despite their break-up. Excellent videos.
Our Family to support communication between separated parents. Lots of tools.
Citizens Advice section on ending a relationship when you have been living together. Christian charity supporting separated parents and families k8qfrqW2MN0K7K1WVjqVideo created to raise awareness of how parent’s relationship post separation can impact children
Anna Freud Centre range of specialist support services for children, young people and their families
Tavistock Relationships offer a range of counselling and support services for families, not just for separated couples. campaign to stop children being harmed by ongoing parental conflict APP designed to help improve relationships, available on Apple or Google Play
Only for fathers in the family court system
Only just for Mums!  They publish an excellent book, 101 Questions answered about separating with children. For anyone experiencing separation issues.
Two on an international level
Home information for all family life-changing events
 www.divorceandchildren.comTips and materials you can buy direct.  From the US so ideas are set against a different background but still very accessible and valuable.
Anxiety provides information on anxiety as well as tools to help manage it
My Tutor tips for parents about issues that affect teens, from cyber bullying to body image


The EC Roberts for families around housing, debt, parenting difficulties, co-parenting, and mental health
The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Children’s children whose parents work, or have worked, for the Naval Service. for members of the Armed Forces, Veterans and their families
Solent range of support, advice and practical assistance around mental health
Home locations across South of UK
Citizens Advice free, independent and confidential advice on family issues, employment, housing, welfare benefits, debt, community care.  
Solent range of support, advice and practical assistance around mental health
Southampton Family parenting courses and support

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