MIAM stands for ‘Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting’. 

But really it’s just a conversation. You’ll each have a separate chat and it’s a chance for you to find out about how mediation works, and what other approaches might be available to you both. 

How it Works

MIAM is such a confusing term! Essentially they are meetings, where you explore all the available approaches with us.

If you come at the start of your journey, it’s the time for us to find out about the background to your situation, and for you to find out about what we offer, so that together we can think about what might work best for you in resolving the difficulties that you are facing. You may then choose to use one of our out of court approaches, such as mediation or collaborative law.

If you’ve been travelling along the separation path for a while and have tried ways of resolving things without success, you may need to make a formal application to the court. In that case, we’ll still have a chat with you to see what your aims are, and where you’re at, but we may then also sign a C100, a Form A or an FM1 so that you can show the court that you have considered all ‘non-court’ options.

All Family Mediation Council registered mediators can talk through the various approaches with you, together with the pros and cons of each, and help you consider what’s best. However only mediators who are accredited with the Family Mediation Council can offer statutory MIAMs and sign court forms.

Our fee for this initial chat is currently £99. Legal aid is available for this and for mediation itself, and we will go through this with you in your initial appointment with us. If you think you may be eligible for legal aid, or would like us to assess you, you will need to let us know in advance so that you, and we, have time to go through the necessary paperwork.

You can find out more with our MIAM factsheet


Mediation sessions have a minimum fee of £504 (in VAT) for up to 90 minutes, and this is shared between you.

Legal aid is available for mediation and we’ll assess that when we meet with you. If you are eligible, mediation will be free of charge for your share.

The Ministry of Justice is also currently funding a voucher which can contribute £500 towards the cost of mediations that involve discussions about your children.

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