Support through separation

We’re delighted to announce that Kimberley Skinner, Family Consultant and Psychotherapist is joining the Family Solutions team. She will be providing support to our clients, helping them to navigate their way through their separation or divorce.

Having lived through turbulent times in recent years, it has become of huge importance to nurture wellbeing.  As the old adage goes ‘you can’t help others unless you put your own oxygen mask on first’ and that is never more true than during a family separation.

Separation and divorce is hard.  It impacts the couple going through it in lots of ways, and has a lasting effect on their children, their wider family and friendships groups.  Often, families don’t only need a legal solution – they need emotional support, to help them deal with the practicalities, so that they can emerge from the process as unscathed as possible. Kimberley will offer a separate one-to-one chat to our clients before they embark on their mediation, included in their initial appointment fee.

Fear of things changing, revisiting familiar arguments or past relationship experiences can get in the way of moving forward.  Family Solutions is the first firm in the South to offer a full wrap around service, helping participants manage their fears and concerns in preparation for their first and subsequent joint mediation sessions, their arbitration or any of the approaches that Family Solutions offers. Clients will be given a safe confidential space in which to explore their thoughts and ideas about what the future may look like, to prepare for meetings or hearings, and will be supported with their communication skills.

The number of meetings with a family consultant is entirely up to individual choice; Kimberley can work with clients as individuals, as a couple, or as a family.  She is also able to offer counselling support for children living with family separation or breakdown.

In our experience using a family consultant will save money.  Participants are much more likely to need fewer appointments, having been able to deal with some of the emotional baggage that often blocks the path.

For details please contact

Professionally Accredited & Affiliated

Our team comprises solicitors, mediators, arbitrators and more; we are recognised and accredited specialists in family law and non-court resolution. We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 473624), and subject to various rules for the professional bodies that we belong to. Click on the links for more information.

Find out how we can help, call us on 02392 481183 or Email Us

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